CT APEX’s Economic Impact
FY2023 CT APEX Assistance Numbers
- Total client awards $6.9B*
- 51 events, including the hugely successful DoD Regional Matchmaker, Business Training & Resource Fair
- Recruited 359 new clients
- 2,574 counseling Hours
FY2022 CT APEX Assistance Numbers
- Total client awards $213 Million*
- 965 active clients
- 2,070 counseling hours
- 55 events
- 4,258 jobs created /retained in CT
- $12.3 Million CT State Tax generated
FY2021 CT APEX Assistance Numbers
- Total client awards $24.2 Billion*
- 56,729 active clients
- 183,455 counseling hours
- 5,267 events
- 486,000 jobs created/retained
CT APEX’s Assistance Numbers since 1994
- Total client awards $4.36 Billion*
- 6218 active clients
- 57,238 counseling hours
- 1280 events
- 90,332 jobs created/retained in CT
- $252.3 Million CT State Tax generated
*Awards are client reported, not all may be included.

Classification by Industry

Prime & Sub Contracts

Business Ownership